The Buffet

I’m hearing a lot of clients ask “am I doing this ok? “ What they’re asking is, am I navigating this pandemic okay? Is my anxiety normal ? Is my fear rational ? Am I depressed because I feel sad or unmotivated ? My answer? Yes . You are OKAY. No one, has ever written a manual before on how to manage your mental health during a global pandemic . There is no formula for this . There is no handbook. Everyone on social media right now is an expert of sorts, offering strategies to help keep your kids stay on schedule during homeschooling , making kid or adult crafts , garden projects, zoom exercise classes, baking bread, Marie Kondo-Ing your linen closets, DIY projects galore and on & on & on. These strategies are all nice in theory, but if you’re not careful you will start to feel the need to do ALL the things and then feel guilty if you’re not living up to others’ IG or Facebook highlight reels ! I liken this to the Buffet at your favorite buffet restaurant. At a buffet there’s a plethora to choose from. You pick what you like and put it on your plate. You leave behind the things your don’t like and If you put too much on your plate ? Well, you’re not gonna finish it all anyway. The “buffet” of strategies on how to act during this crisis is ample. I say, pick what works for you and try it. Don’t overload your plate. If that strategy looks nice but you know you’ll never try it, then leave it on the buffet . You do NOT have to partake of everything on the buffet. There’s multiple choices because humans are diverse. What works for one, will not work for another . And that’s Okay.

He’s still doing Fresh new things

He’s still doing Fresh new thingsYou see, God never stops moving . His spirit never stops moving . HE DOESN’T STOP. But what has He gotten us to do right now ? Stop. Everything is cancelled . But GOD isn’t cancelled ! His Love isn’t cancelled. His provision isn’t...

He’s Still Fighting our Battles

A couple years after my husband and I married we decided we wanted to have a child . Three years later and two very early miscarriages we were still childless. Friends were having babies as were my former students. My lowest point came when a young student at the school I worked became pregnant. I shouted angrily at God , WHY??!! Why would you give a child to a child , but not to a 30 something who is more than able?

Jesus the Extremist

In case you haven’t noticed humanity is really mucking it up lately. The division among us is greater than I’ve ever lived through in my 4+ decades. I didn’t live during the civil rights era and so I can imagine it was far scarier division. But in my small spectrum of time on this planet, this feels like the most intense division I’ve ever lived through…