He’s still doing Fresh new things

You see, God never stops moving . His spirit never stops moving . HE DOESN’T STOP. But what has He gotten us to do right now ? Stop. Everything is cancelled . But GOD isn’t cancelled ! His Love isn’t cancelled. His provision isn’t cancelled . The new things He’s is creating and stirring and transforming Aren’t cancelled.

5 years ago God told me , I mean like I literally heard him say “These are doors not mountains , I’m doing a Fresh New thing “

Isaiah 43:18 says “I’m doing a New thing do you not perceive it? I’m making a WAY in the wasteland & streams in the desert”

Many of us feel like the “cancellation of society “ has made a wasteland. Or your business being shut down has caused a wasteland , your dreams have been cancelled , your bank account feels dry as a desert .

Listen up GOD IS STILL MOVING. His promise to me 5 years ago wasn’t a one time gift . HE is a gift giver Every day . His mercies are new EVERY morning. He gives us THIS day and manna for THIS day . THIS is the day the Lord has made , may we rejoice and be glad in IT. Matthew 6 : 34 ““Give your entire attention to what God is doing right now, and don’t get worked up about what may or may not happen tomorrow. God will help you deal with whatever hard things come up when the time comes.”

What is He doing right now ?? He’s making a way for you . He’s making streams in your desert. And it may not seem like he’s doing it “right” or doing it the way you want him to. But none of that matters because HE is God and you are not . I am not . Gods ways are Higher than our ways. He created universes and oceans so vast no man can fully explore them . Don’t you think he’s capable then of taking care of your Today ?? Your Tomorrow ? YES HE IS.

I’ve been angry all week about the “new normal “. But what if the new normal is Gods new normal. What if the un-busyness is the way He wants us to live & breathe? He’s not finished yet . He’s not done transforming us . His promises to do a New Thing doesn’t just happen once I believe , because God is always on the move. He hasn’t taken his hand off you or me ! God is an ALIVE God . Being alive means you keep moving and that’s just what God is doing .

He is Moving in your life today. He’s cancelling some things . He’s quieting some things . And yet He is Producing new things !!! Amen ! What is He producing in your life right now ? He might be producing rest for you. Producing family togetherness. Producing time to try a new skill or develop a new talent . Producing the creation of your Faith in Him , new faith refreshed faith maybe . He’s producing a new reliance on HIM alone because so many are at the end of their rope.

As a business owner I empathize so deeply with my fellow small business people who are at the end of their rope. I fully believe God is desperately trying to show you that HE IS YOUR PROVIDER. He can make a way in the wasteland FOR you . But you have to completely surrender trust . Maybe your bank account is almost barren like a desert . Guess what , God’s timing is Often in the last minute . That’s Because He is a rescuer , and if He rescues you too soon you’ll think YOU did that. He is trying to show you cannot do “that” in your own strength. HE is your rescuer & your provision.

Gods promise to do a fresh new thing & make ways in the wasteland is not a one time promise. He is a gift giver . He is always on the move in our lives . He is Still doing New things in your life. He uses every circumstance in our life to bring us closer to Him so he can show us His Faithfulness & provision .

Open your eyes & see what New Thing He’s doing in your life !

Watching Pelicans

I’m not sure if you’ve ever seen or watched Pelicans dive for fish. I think it’s just the coolest thing to witness. These Large birds torpedo from High in the sky and nose dive down into the water at great speed . SPLASH!

Here’s to the Moms

Here’s to the Working Mom with school aged children , trying to work from home to keep your job , plus manage homeschooling the kids, keep the house clean from all the humans existing at home more hours than usual , and make 3 meals a day and umpteen number of snacks . I See you.

Let your disappointment lead you to compassion

Let your disappointment lead you to compassionI wrote last August about my kiddo not making a school team . She was consumed with disappointment . She’s never really experienced disappointment like that before & I encouraged her to use that experience to build...