One80 Consulting Blog

Watching Pelicans

I’m not sure if you’ve ever seen or watched Pelicans dive for fish. I think it’s just the coolest thing to witness. These Large birds torpedo from High in the sky and nose dive down into the water at great speed . SPLASH!

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Here’s to the Moms

Here’s to the Working Mom with school aged children , trying to work from home to keep your job , plus manage homeschooling the kids, keep the house clean from all the humans existing at home more hours than usual , and make 3 meals a day and umpteen number of snacks . I See you.

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Let your disappointment lead you to compassion

Let your disappointment lead you to compassionI wrote last August about my kiddo not making a school team . She was consumed with disappointment . She’s never really experienced disappointment like that before & I encouraged her to use that experience to build...

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He’s still doing Fresh new things

He’s still doing Fresh new thingsYou see, God never stops moving . His spirit never stops moving . HE DOESN’T STOP. But what has He gotten us to do right now ? Stop. Everything is cancelled . But GOD isn’t cancelled ! His Love isn’t cancelled. His provision isn’t...

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The Buffet

I’m hearing a lot of clients ask “am I doing this ok? “
What they’re asking is, am I navigating this pandemic okay? Is my anxiety normal ? Is my fear rational ? Am I depressed because I feel sad or unmotivated ?

My answer? Yes . You are OKAY. No one, has ever written a manual before on how to manage your mental health during a global pandemic . There is no formula for this . There is no handbook.

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He’s Still Fighting our Battles

A couple years after my husband and I married we decided we wanted to have a child . Three years later and two very early miscarriages we were still childless. Friends were having babies as were my former students. My lowest point came when a young student at the school I worked became pregnant. I shouted angrily at God , WHY??!! Why would you give a child to a child , but not to a 30 something who is more than able?

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Jesus the Extremist

In case you haven’t noticed humanity is really mucking it up lately. The division among us is greater than I’ve ever lived through in my 4+ decades. I didn’t live during the civil rights era and so I can imagine it was far scarier division. But in my small spectrum of time on this planet, this feels like the most intense division I’ve ever lived through…

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