Watching Pelicans

Watching Pelicans I’m not sure if you’ve ever seen or watched Pelicans dive for fish. I think it’s just the coolest thing to witness. These Large birds torpedo from High in the sky and nose dive down into the water at great speed . SPLASH! What a view they must have...

Here’s to the Moms

Here’s to the Moms Here’s to the Working Mom with school aged children , trying to work from home to keep your job , plus manage homeschooling the kids, keep the house clean from all the humans existing at home more hours than usual , and make 3 meals a day and...

He’s still doing Fresh new things

He’s still doing Fresh new things You see, God never stops moving . His spirit never stops moving . HE DOESN’T STOP. But what has He gotten us to do right now ? Stop. Everything is cancelled . But GOD isn’t cancelled ! His Love isn’t cancelled. His provision isn’t...

The Buffet

The Buffet I’m hearing a lot of clients ask “am I doing this ok? “ What they’re asking is, am I navigating this pandemic okay? Is my anxiety normal ? Is my fear rational ? Am I depressed because I feel sad or unmotivated ? My answer? Yes . You are OKAY. No one, has...